• Michelle Obama's Wears $540 French Sneakers for Her Volunteer Work

>> Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lanvin French sneakers to go fill bags for students on food programs are the shoe of choice for Michelle Obama.

Of course, while her husband tells us to cut back, tighten our belts--they continue to live high off the hog.

What are you thoughts on this? One news agency graded Obama on her 100 days in office and one of their kudos was she wears affordable fashion labels.


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Anonymous,  May 8, 2009 at 1:23 PM  

It's too bad about her. She is so tacky--did you see what she looked like during the campaign when taking her kids to school in the morning? It was terrible--but the press did everything they could to keep her out of camera view, you could see the baseball hat over the bedhead and her clothes looked very bad. And, of course, the comments about being ashamed of America. Guess she is over compensating in style??

Mimi Anderson

Unknown May 16, 2009 at 7:09 PM  

remember when the media hounded sarah palin for her designer clothes for the election? why isn't anyone getting upset over the 450 shoes? the media are full of two-faced liberal dogs.

Anonymous,  June 29, 2010 at 10:59 PM  

Why don't you guys focus on what she's doing instead of focusing on her style or the price of her clothes.
Stop eating will not stop hunger in the world. But when you are more fortunate, helping the ones who are not might one day end it ...
I'm sure you could use your wit on more helpful things than trashing the first lady...

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